What Should You Do When You Break Your Tooth

There are various ways to break your tooth. As curious as we are to second-guess just how you managed to do this, this is a dental emergency, so we’re cutting straight to the chase. Here is what you should do with immediate effect before getting to the dental emergency room.

Before proceeding, note, if the damage is severe and extending to your face or cranial region, it is better to rush to the emergency room.

Rinsing Your Mouth with Warm Salt Water

Rinsing your mouth with warm water is the right move before you get to your trusted emergency dental in Edmonton. The lukewarm water would be a soothing influence on your teeth and clean the area. Be careful to avoid extreme temperatures. This is particularly helpful in cases of Enamel and Dentin Fractures.

Take Care of the Broken Tooth

The broken tooth can be reattached if you visit the dentist on time. Find the broken tooth and rinse it gently. Then either place it in milk or water to protect it.

Applying Pressure in the Area of Pain

Applying pressure to the area of pain with gauze is a decent measure in an attempt to curb the bleeding. You are required to do this for 10 minutes. If this is not as effective, you also have the option of using a tea-bag with some pressure in order to stop the bleeding. Furthermore, it is better if the pressure applied is through a colder substance.

Applying a Cold Pack

In case of swelling, you have the option of using a cold pack or an ice pack. Apply the cold pack over the cheek or lips, directed to the area of pain.

Taking a Pain-Reliever

This is a measure that might not help the condition of your teeth per se, but it would help reduce some of the pain that must be getting harder to tolerate. These would include ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen, and are generally available over-the-counter.

Taking a Pain-reliever

All these remedies do not compare to the expertise a dentist would provide in the case of a dental emergency in EdmontonSignature Smilez could take appropriate care of your teeth and the recovery process. It does not matter if it is a chipped tooth, an enamel-dentin fracture, a tooth avulsion, a tooth displacement or even a horizontal root fracture. Signature Smilez makes sure you could eat all your future pies without a toothache.