4 Signs You are Suffering from Bruxism

Do you wake up every morning with a headache or pain in your jaws? Then you may be suffering from bruxism. In dental terms, excessive teeth grinding is referred to as bruxism. You often don’t realize you are grinding your teeth in your sleep until you get the various signs and symptoms. And, if ignored, the condition can lead to jaw disorders, damaged teeth, and other dental problems. Through this article, we’ll acquaint you with some common bruxism symptoms.

1. Teeth sensitivity

Do you suffer from teeth sensitivity? Then it could be the result of bruxism. Bruxism or grinding of teeth can make your teeth sensitive to extreme hot and cold temperatures. Your teeth has a protective cover called the enamel. Excessive grinding of teeth can lead to erosion of the protective layer, exposing the sensitive areas of the teeth ,resulting in teeth sensitivity.

2. Toothache

Toothache can be another symptom of bruxism. Typically, grinding of teeth usually occurs at night while you are asleep. This is one of the reasons many people are unaware that they suffer from this habit. Since the enamel starts eroding and sensitive parts of the teeth are exposed, the grinding can lead to teeth pain. No doubt, you may be waking up with pain every morning.

3. Jaw pain

People suffering from bruxism often experience sore jaws and headaches. Your jaw muscles tighten when you clench or grind your teeth. This pain travels to other parts of your skull, causing headaches, earaches, and even neck pain. So, if you have been experiencing mild headaches and a sore jaw whenever you wake up, it could be the result of bruxism.

4. Fractured tooth

A cracked or fractured tooth can be one of the symptoms of bruxism. Teeth grinding puts excessive pressure on your teeth. It not only erodes your tooth enamel and increases your chances of encountering tooth decay, but it can also crack or chip your teeth. So, if you see that one of your teeth has chipped and the reason not known to you, then it could be due to teeth grinding.

Bruxism can have significant effects on oral health and may even lead to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. Therefore, it is advisable to checkwith a dentist as soon as possible if you experience any of these bruxism symptoms.